(Insert from the Rockingham Now featured article by Reidsville's Economic Development Director, Jeff Garstka)
As the City continues its branding and marketing campaign with Team Reidsville and Rise Up Reidsville, construction begins on the I-785 project on the Guilford County side this year and will quickly make its way into Rockingham County in mere months.
This impending transformation, and the excitement that will ensue, is something we are calling “Driving Progress.”
Stop me if you’ve ever heard a POTUS begin a State of the Union address by saying, “the State of the Union is strong.” I’m here to report to you, my fellow business leaders, civic leaders, educators and citizens of the City of Reidsville that the State of our community is very strong.
Click here to read the entire article on Rockingham Now: http://bit.ly/ReidsvilleDrivingProgress
To learn more about how Reidsville can help your business relocate and grow, contact Jeff directly at 336.347.2307 (direct) / 336.880.5361 (mobile) or by email at: jgarstka@ci.reidsville.nc.us .